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Tissue that is taken from one part of a person's body and transplanted to a different part of the same person. yes

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Q: What are autografts?
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Why doesn't autografts get rejected?

Autografts are never rejected since it is a tissue from your own body and it is grafted to your own body

What is name of the graft that is taken from the patients body?


Why do dotors try autograft rather than allogratrs on burn patients?

Doctors try to use autografts rather than allografts on burn patients because the allografts get rejected, unlike autografts which are not rejected.

Why do you think doctors try to use autografts rather than allograftson burn patients?

To be safe

Why are autografts never rejected?

Autografts are never rejected since it is a tissue from your own body and it is grafted to your own body

What is the name of the graft that is taken from the patients body?

The classification of this type of tissue transplant is known as autogenic (same person) transplant. Don't know if that answers your question though.

What is the difference bwtween homografts and autografts?

homograft: donor and recipient belong to the same species but with different genetic material. It is synonimous with allograft. autograft: donor site is in the same individual that is recipient (e.g. skin graft from thigh to face in one patient)

Why must organs be preserved special solution prior to their transplant?

the liquid or solution is to preserve the organ if not done the organ would surely be attacked by germs and would die in a few hoursOrgan transplantation is the moving of an organ from one body to another, or from a donor site on the patient's own body, for the purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or absent organ. The emerging field of Regenerative medicine is allowing scientists and engineers to create organs to be re-grown from the patient's own cells (stem cells, or cells extracted from the failing organs). Organs and/or tissues that are transplanted within the same person's body are called autografts. Transplants that are performed between two subjects of the same species are called allografts. Allografts can either be from a living or cadaveric source.

Anterior cruciate ligament repair - series?

Normal anatomyThe anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a ligament in the center of the knee that prevents the shin bone (tibia) from moving forward on the thigh bone (femur).IndicationsIf the ACL is torn, the knee joint may become unstable and affect the ability to perform work or athletic activities.Procedure, part 1ACL reconstruction is surgery to replace the torn ACL ligament. There are several choices of tissue to use for the new ligament, including an autograft (tissue from the patient's own body) or an allograft (tissue from a cadaver). One of the most common autografts use part of the patellar tendon (the tendon in the front of the knee).Procedure, part 2The old ligament is removed using a shaver or other instruments. Bone tunnels are made to place the new ligament (patellar graft) in the knee at the site of the old ACL. Screws are commonly used to secure the graft in the bone tunnels, although other methods of fixation are used depending on the type of graft used.AftercareAt the end of the surgery, the incisions are closed, and a dressing is applied. ACL reconstruction is usually a very successful surgery. The majority of patients will have a stable knee that does not give way after ACL reconstruction.Reviewed ByReview Date: 08/14/2011Linda J. Vorvick, MD, Medical Director, MEDEX Northwest Division of Physician Assistant Studies, University of Washington, School of Medicine; C. Benjamin Ma, MD, Assistant Professor, Chief, Sports Medicine and Shoulder Service, UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

What words that start with the word auto?

Words that start with the word auto: autoantibodies. autoantibody. autobahn. autobahnen. autobahns. autobiographer. autobiographers. autobiographic. autobiographical. autobiographically. autobiographies. autobiography. autobus. autobuses. autobusses. autocade. autocades. autocatalyses. autocatalysis. autocatalytic. autocatalytically. autocephalies. autocephalous. autocephaly. autochthon. autochthones. autochthonous. autochthonously. autochthons. autoclave. autoclaved. autoclaves. autoclaving. autocoid. autocoids. autocorrelation. autocorrelations. autocracies. autocracy. autocrat. autocratic. autocratical. autocratically. autocrats. autocross. autocrosses. autodidact. autodidactic. autodidacts. autodyne. autodynes. autoecious. autoeciously. autoecism. autoecisms. autoed. autoerotic. autoeroticism. autoeroticisms. autoerotism. autoerotisms. autogamies. autogamous. autogamy. autogenic. autogenies. autogenous. autogenously. autogeny. autogiro. autogiros. autograft. autografted. autografting. autografts. autograph. autographed. autographic. autographically. autographies. autographing. autographs. autography. autogyro. autogyros. autohypnoses. autohypnosis. autohypnotic. autoimmune. autoimmunities. autoimmunity. autoimmunization. autoimmunizations. autoinfection. autoinfections. autoing. autointoxication. autointoxications. autoloading. autologous. autolysate. autolysates. autolyse. autolysed. autolyses. autolysing. autolysis. autolytic. autolyzate. autolyzates. autolyze. autolyzed. autolyzes. autolyzing. automaker. automakers. automan. automata. automatable. automate. automated. automates. automatic. automatically. automaticities. automaticity. automatics. automating. automation. automations. automatism. automatisms. automatist. automatists. automatization. automatizations. automatize. automatized. automatizes. automatizing. automaton. automatons. automen. automobile. automobiled. automobiles. automobiling. automobilist. automobilists. automobilities. automobility. automorphism. automorphisms. automotive. autonomic. autonomically. autonomies. autonomist. autonomists. autonomous. autonomously. autonomy. autopilot. autopilots. autopolyploid. autopolyploidies. autopolyploids. autopolyploidy. autopsic. autopsied. autopsies. autopsy. autopsying. autoradiogram. autoradiograms. autoradiograph. autoradiographic. autoradiographies. autoradiographs. autoradiography. autorotate. autorotated. autorotates. autorotating. autorotation. autorotations. autoroute. autoroutes. autos. autosexing. autosomal. autosomally. autosome. autosomes. autostrada. autostradas. autostrade. autosuggest. autosuggested. autosuggesting. autosuggestion. autosuggestions. autosuggests. autotelic. autotetraploid. autotetraploidies. autotetraploids. autotetraploidy. autotomies. autotomize. autotomized. autotomizes. autotomizing. autotomous. autotomy. autotransformer. autotransformers. autotransfusion. autotransfusions. autotroph. autotrophic. autotrophically. autotrophies. autotrophs. autotrophy. autotype. autotypes. autotypies. autotypy. autoworker. autoworkers. autoxidation. autoxidations.

What is the meaning of the prefix 'auto-'?

Automobile: moves by itself Autograph: written by someone by himself Autobiography: a biography written by the person himself Autopilot: the plane flies itself Autoerotic . . . You can probably figure it out.

What Scrabble words begin with the letter au?

3-letter wordsauk4-letter wordsauks, auld, aunt, aura, auto5-letter wordsaudad, audio, audit, auger, aught, augur, aulic, aunts, aunty, aurae, aural, aurar, auras, aurei, aures, auric, auris, aurum, autos, auxin6-letter wordsaubade, auburn, aucuba, audads, audile, auding, audios, audits, augend, augers, aughts, augite, augurs, augury, august, auklet, aulder, auntie, auntly, aurate, aureus, aurist, aurora, aurous, aurums, auspex, ausubo, auteur, author, autism, autoed, autumn, auxins7-letter wordsaubades, auberge, auburns, auction, aucubas, audible, audibly, audient, audiles, audings, audited, auditor, augends, augites, augitic, augment, augural, augured, augurer, auklets, auldest, aunties, aurally, aurated, aureate, aureola, aureole, auricle, aurists, aurochs, aurorae, auroral, auroras, ausform, auspice, austere, austral, ausubos, autarky, auteurs, authors, autisms, autobus, autoing, automan, automen, autopsy, autumns, auxeses, auxesis, auxetic, auxinic8-letter wordsauberges, aubretia, aubrieta, auctions, audacity, audibles, audience, audients, auditing, audition, auditive, auditors, auditory, augments, augurers, auguries, auguring, auguster, augustly, aunthood, auntlier, auntlike, aureolae, aureolas, aureoled, aureoles, auricled, auricles, auricula, auriform, aurorean, ausforms, auspices, austerer, australs, autacoid, autarchy, autarkic, autecism, authored, autistic, autobahn, autocade, autocoid, autocrat, autodyne, autogamy, autogeny, autogiro, autogyro, autolyze, automata, automate, autonomy, autopsic, autosome, autotomy, autotype, autotypy, autumnal, autunite, auxetics9-letter wordsaubergine, aubretias, aubrietas, auctioned, auctorial, audacious, audiences, audiogram, audiology, audiotape, auditable, auditions, auditives, auditoria, augmented, augmenter, augmentor, augustest, aunthoods, auntliest, aureoling, auriculae, auricular, auriculas, aurochses, ausformed, auslander, austenite, austerely, austerest, austerity, australes, autacoids, autarchic, autarkies, autecisms, auteurist, authentic, authoress, authorial, authoring, authorise, authority, authorize, autistics, autobahns, autobuses, autocades, autoclave, autocoids, autocracy, autocrats, autocross, autodynes, autoecism, autogenic, autogiros, autograft, autograph, autogyros, autolysed, autolyses, autolysis, autolytic, autolyzed, autolyzes, automaker, automated, automates, automatic, automaton, autonomic, autopilot, autopsied, autopsies, autoroute, autosomal, autosomes, autotelic, autotroph, autotypes, autunites, auxiliary, auxotroph10-letter wordsaubergines, auctioneer, auctioning, audacities, audibility, audiogenic, audiograms, audiologic, audiometer, audiometry, audiophile, audiotapes, auditioned, auditories, auditorily, auditorium, augmenters, augmenting, augmentors, augustness, auriculate, auriferous, auscultate, ausforming, auslanders, auspicious, austenites, austenitic, autarchies, autarkical, autecology, auteurists, authorised, authorises, authorized, authorizer, authorizes, authorship, autobahnen, autobusses, autochthon, autoclaved, autoclaves, autocratic, autodidact, autoecious, autoecisms, autoerotic, autogamies, autogamous, autogenies, autogenous, autografts, autographs, autography, autoimmune, autologous, autolysate, autolysing, autolyzate, autolyzing, automakers, automatics, automating, automation, automatism, automatist, automatize, automatons, automobile, automotive, autonomies, autonomist, autonomous, autopilots, autopsying, autorotate, autoroutes, autosexing, autostrada, autostrade, autotomies, autotomize, autotomous, autotrophs, autotrophy, autotypies, autoworker, autumnally, auxotrophs, auxotrophy