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Q: Can you overdose on a 200 mg pill and 4 5 mg pills?
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What is considered an overdose of Adderall?

60 pills of 30 mg adderall and 60 pills of klonopin 1 mg

How does a 1000 mcg pill compare to a 600 mg pill?

1000 mcg = 1 mg. So a 600 mg pill has the active ingrediant of 600 1000mcg pills. That is the math. But do not substitute pills for each other without consulting a doctor or pharmacist. That could be very dangerous and even cost you your life. For example. the coating on a pill, particularly a time-release pill, could make a huge difference in how a pill works if you try to split it or if you try to take several smaller pills instead of one large pill.

How many 50 mg gravol tabs would cause a fatal overdose?

about 20 pills of 50mg.

mtp abortion pill kit?

The two pills enclosed within the MTP abortion pill kit square measure Mifepristone (200 mg) and misoprostol (200 mcg). Each square measure is taken orally, with water, and with a length of nearly quite one day between their consumption.

How much depakote will cause you to overdose?

Don't bother with Depacote as you will probably have to take 200 500mg tablets. Just buy 10 boxes of Paracetamol washed down with bottle of Jack Daniels. Then go to bed.

If you want to take a 500 mg pill can you split a 1000 mg pill?

If it isn't a cr or xr pill you can. Unlike regular tablets the extended or controlled release pills do not absorb the same when cut and could cause problems.

5 ml of fish oil is equal to how many mg of fish oil pills?

1 pill

Can i take 20 mg Ibuphrophen in 24 hrs?

My bottle of standard non-prescription ibuprofen has 200 mg pills with a reccomended maximum of 6 pills in 24 hours. 20 mg is a lot less.

You have 90 Allicin pills with 6248 mcg and you need to take 1250 mg how many pills do you need to take?

Since each pill contains 6.248 mg (6248 mcg / 1000) you will need to take 200.06 pills ( 1250mg / 6.248 = 200.06).

If you have 2.5mg tablets and patient is described10mghow many tablets would you give?

Well if one tablet is equaled to 500mg, and you need to get to 2.5g for the order. You'd need approximately 5 pills. 1 Pill @ 500 mg (.5g) 1 Pill @ 500 mg (.5g) =====1000 mg = 1g 1 Pill @ 500 mg (.5g) 1 Pill @ 500 mg (.5g) =====1000 mg = 1g + 1g = 2g's 1 Pill @ 500mg (.5g) = 500mg = 1g + 1g + .5g = 2.5g's.

Can you overdose from morphine sulfrate 100 mg pills?

Yes you can overdose on 100 mg of morphine my brother did. This amount of dose should only be taken if your body tolerates other opiates. Understand 100 mg is pretty high if ur a first timer. Think twice we almost buried my lil bro.

What is l050 blue pill?

this could be an Ibuprofen PM pill (38 mg - 200 mg), with the imprint LO50. Ibuprofen is used for relief of symptoms of arthritis, primary dysmenorrhea, fever, and as an analgesic.