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No more than his pediatrician recommends.

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Q: How many milligrams of acetaminophen can a 40 lb child take?
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Can you take acetaminophen if you have chickenpox?

All children with chickenpox should avoid aspirin. If a child can safely take acetaminophen, s/he can do so when s/he has chickenpox.

How many milligrams of Tylenol can you take at a time?

Tylenol contains acetaminophen. The maximum daily dose of acetaminophen must not exceed 4000 mg ('daily' means 24 hours). It is not recommended to take more than 1000 mg of acetaminophen at a time. The interval between 1000 mg doses should be about 6 hours. 500 mg doses can be taken more frequently, e.g. every four hours. Each Tylenol 500 gelcap, etc, contains 500 mg of pure acetaminophen. So, the daily maximum is 8 doses of Tylenol 500, not more than two doses at a time. The less, the better, as acetaminophen is not good for the liver.

Acetaminophen Oral suspension for one year old child?

yes you can take this for youe one year old child

How many milligrams does it take to make a pound?

453,592 milligrams per pound.

When an adult takes 1500 milligrams of pain reliever acetaminophen about 6 hours ago What should you do?

In a healthy adult, 3000mg of acetaminophen is the maximum daily dose. Ask a doctor or pharmacist how much is alright for you to take. This also depends on what other medications you are taking, since drugs like hydrocodone and oxycodone are often combined with acetaminophen.

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If you take methadone can you take Tylenol codeine?

No, methodone does not contain any acetaminophen. Tylenol contains acetaminophen.

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My tolerance to klonopin is very high, how many milligrams can i take at once, safely?

How many milligrams can you take of antihistamines to make you drowsy?

50 mg

What is the difference between 500 and 600 milligram in the drug Tylenol?

There is a 100mg (milligram) difference between Acetaminophen 600's and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) which is sold normally at 500mg. There is generally nothing different between the two pills except the 100mg Difference. Remember never to exceed 4000mg of Acetaminophen per 24 hours. So that means with 600mg tablets you can take a maximum of 6 1/2 tablets. With the 500mg tablets you can take 8.

Can you take acetaminophen and Metadate CD?

Yes, these are OK together. Tylenol is a pretty safe pain reliever. You just have to follow directions on the box and don't take too many. Overdosing on acetaminophen can cause liver damage.