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Hannah Mobbs

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How did you get 160 mg

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Q: How many milligrams of medication should you give an 80 pound person if dosage require 20Mg for every 10 pounds of weight?
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How does one determine the correct dosage of a given drug?

The correct dosage of a drug is typically determined by factors such as the patient's weight, age, and medical condition, as well as the drug's potency and intended use. Healthcare providers rely on established guidelines, clinical trials, and patient-specific factors to calculate an appropriate dosage that balances effectiveness with safety. It is crucial for patients to follow their healthcare provider's instructions carefully and report any concerning side effects.

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When a person is comfortable with a certain dosage of medication, oncologists typically convert to a long-acting version of that medication.

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How does math apply in being a doctor?

There are many ways. The best example is in prescribing medication. Each person weighs a different amount, which means that medication for one person might be too strong or too weak for another person. A doctor must calculate the proper dosage based on the patient's weight.

What dose of Lavetra should be taken?

The dosage amount that was prescribed by the doctor and ONLY the dosage amount that was prescribed by the doctor. A person should never take someone else's medication or follow directions on taking prescribed medications from anyone other than a medical professional.

Can blood pressure medicine make someone sick?

Yes, blood pressure medication can make someone sick. If the person finds that they are allergic to it, or that their dosage is too high, it can make them ill.

What do you need to know for giving medication?

We need to observe the symptoms of the disease and age of the patient while administering medication. One should also be careful about the expiry date of the medicine before giving it to the patient.

Why should you have the correct training to give medication in a care home?

Because drug dosage is usually related to the person's physical size and weight. Additionally, some drugs can be given orally, most are simply injected under the skin - others need to be given intravenously. A person administering the medication must know the difference !

How do you wean off cyclobenzaprine?

The best way to wean off of the muscle relaxer Flexeril is to do it slowly. The rate at which a person should cut their doses depends on how long they've been on the medication and what their dosage is. The best way to wean off of this medication is to come up with a plan with your doctor.

Are kolonpins addictive?

Klonopin (also: Clonazapam) is in a class of medications called benzodiazapines. It is known as an "addictive" medication because, as with most benzodiazpines, people build up a tolerance to the medication, sometimes very quickly. Tolerance means that the medication can tend to lose its effectiveness if a person takes the very same amount over time. It will seem like the medication has stopped working. A person may feel like they need more of the medication to obtain the same effect. If the dosage is increased over time to keep getting same effect, eventually a person's body will begin to "need" it to keep from having withdrawal. A doctor will often slowly bring the dosage of this kind of medication down slowly in order to avoid uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal. Tolerance and withdrawal are two key components of addiction. This is why Klonopin has a reputation as an "addictive" medication. It certainly has its place and there are many good uses. It must be used with caution and always taken as prescribed.

How many milligrams of armour thyroid does a person without a thyroid normally take?

Thyroid supplementation is very individualized. There is no one specific dosage for adults or children. Patients are tested and examined frequently until their labs improve and their symptoms are minimized.