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Q: If the rate of urine formation is 2 ml min the urine inulin concentration is 25 mg ml and the plasma inulin concentration 0.5 mg ml then the GFR is?
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Whenever the plasma glucose concentration exceeds the renal plasma threshold?

it shows in urine.

What are the four main physiological processes that contribute to urine formation?

Filtration of blood, re-absorption, secretion of substances, concentration of urine

What occurs when the plasma concentration of a substance exceeds tubular maximum?

The amount of substance that exceeds the tubular maximum will be found in the urine.

What is hypotonic urine?

Hypotonic urine refers to urine with a lower concentration of solutes compared to the blood plasma. This means that there is a higher water content in the urine relative to the solute concentration. It can be a result of various conditions affecting the kidneys' ability to concentrate urine effectively.

Is the entire responsibility for urine formation lies with the nephron?

Most of the responsibility for urine formation lies with the nephron in the kidney. The nephron filters blood, reabsorbs essential substances, and excretes waste products to produce urine. However, other structures such as the collecting ducts and renal pelvis also play important roles in the final formation and concentration of urine.

Connection between plasma osmolarity and total body water in mathematical equation terms?

Plasma osmolarity is directly related to the total body water through the formula: Plasma Osmolarity = 2 * ([Na+] + [K+]) + (Glucose/18) + (BUN/2.8), where [Na+] is sodium concentration, [K+] is potassium concentration, Glucose is blood glucose concentration, and BUN is blood urea nitrogen concentration. This equation illustrates how changes in the concentrations of these components impact plasma osmolarity, reflecting their relationship with total body water.

The processes of filtration and reabsorption that occur in the nephron lead to the formation of?

urine in the kidneys.

What is the function of nephrone?

The functions are: 1:IT forms the filtering bed through which all the constituents of plasma excepting colloids of plasma are filtered and thus helps in urine formation.

Which stage of urine formation does blood plasma get pushed into nephron?

The blood pressure in these capillaries is relatively high, so pressure filtration occurs. The blood's plasma and small waste materials and chemicals (the contents of the closet) are pushed out of the blood into the nephron, leaving behind larger proteins, nutrients, and blood cells.

When does glucose concentration in urine become zero?

The normal glucose concentration in urine ranges from 0 to 15 mg/dL. The glucose concentration in urine becomes zero when no glucose has spilled over into the urine.

What causes the concentration of urea to be higher in the urine than in the filtrate?

The higher concentration of urea in urine compared to the filtrate is due to the process of reabsorption in the kidneys. Urea is partly reabsorbed in the renal tubules along with water and other solutes, which makes its concentration higher in the urine as waste products are concentrated during urine formation.

How does ADH affect the concentration of potassium in urine?

ADH, or antidiuretic hormone, increases water reabsorption in the kidneys, leading to more concentrated urine. As water is reabsorbed, the concentration of solutes in the urine, including potassium, increases. Therefore, ADH indirectly affects the concentration of potassium in urine by influencing the overall concentration of solutes.