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Q: Is 18 percent THC high
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Related questions

What percent does the marijuana is?

7 to 10 percent THC

Can sweating out THC get you high?


How is THC and Marijuana related to each other?

THC is the chemical that gives the "high" and is naturally in marijuana the amount verys on how the plant is grown/environment humid and good sun= high THC=longer+better high

What percent of fatal accident victims test positive for THC?

According to a news program I watched about a week ago it is one in five or 20 percent. I was surprised it was that high but I guess it has become a real problem.

What are side affects of THC?

you get high

What is THC pills used for?

to get high =]

What form of marijuana has 15 percent THC?

Afgani Kush

What is the THC content in tora bora plant?


Is there THC in marijuana?

yes, that is what gets you high

What gives the marijuana plant it high?


Can THC show up from a contact high?


Will synthetic THC show up in a lab drug test?

Yes. I an guessing you mean Hash or something similar by saying synthetic marijuana. A marijuana drug test is looking for the metabolite of THC. So if the drug has THC in it, which is what gets you high in marijuana, then it will show up in a drug test.