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Q: Is it true than more than half teens have tried marijuana?
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How many teens abuse marijuana?

teens with depression are more likely to abuse it

Who smokes more teens or adults?

Teens definitely - the popular media, as well as peer pressure, friends who use the drug and the view on marijuana being "the love drug" or some form of harmless "grass" all effect and shape teenagers' mindsets - most teenagers I know have either tried, come in contact with or known somebody who sells marijuana.

What type of drug poses the greatest risk to teens?

Marijuana. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug among teens today. Always has been and probably always will be. Marijuana is the "gateway drug." Marijuana leads to other drug usage, which is why it can be such a risk. Teens that use Marijuana are 99% more likely to use and try other drugs than a teen than has not tried Marijuana.

How many teens had tried illegal drugs?

more have than those that havent

What is more used cocain or merijana?

Marijuana. It's easier access and more teens use it because it doesnt have serious affects on the body.

Number of people who smoke marijuana in Maryand?

More than half of the populationof Maryland =) More than half of the populationof Maryland =)

How many teenagers smoke marijuana a year?

more teens smoke marijuana because now caught with under and ounce the don't go to jail the may pay a fine and/or take counseling.

Why is drugs popular to teens?

Because a lot of teens are looking for what we call an "escape". For me i smoke marijuana because it make's me more social around other which has really come in handy, Hope this answer's your question.

What US state grows the most marijuana?

California grows and supply's more than half of the nations marijuana

Do marijuana smokers gravitate to even more lethal substances like heroin and cocaine?

not all marijuana smokers do, i smoke weed all the time, and i have never tried or wanted to try coke or heroin. some do, to get more of a high than what marijuana can do. i don't think marijuana is as much of a "gateway" drug as people make it.

What percent of teens move away to college?

Teens can't wait to get away from there parents and go away from college. A little more than half of students go to a college that is more than fifty miles from home.

Why do teens have laws?

Teens have laws to become more safe and more protected Teens have laws to become more safe and more protected