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NO. A tuberculin syringe will only hold up to one ml. It is very useful, and appropriate for measuring any amount equal to or less than one ml.

Also...It is NOT appropriate to try to use an insulin syringe for this purpose, as some people try to do. Insulin syringes are measured in *units*, not milliliters and therefore will not give an accurate reading of ml's. This is a potentially dangerous practice.

If you have no other option...100 units = 1ml approximately...or so I am told.

Get the right tool for the job!! Insulin needs to be measured accurately each and every time. It is not worth risking your life. Get the right syringe for administrating insulin!!

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Q: Is the tuberculin syringe used to measure doses larger than 3 ml?
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If you have 1 milliliter syringe and the dosage is 0.08 milliliter how many doses do you get?

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People with diabetes should use the smallest syringe that holds their largest daily dose. The BD syringe with markings at every unit is recommended for those taking whole unit doses of less than 30 units.

What are the uses of a tuberculin syringe?

They are used to deliver the antigen for tuberculosis tests to determine if a person is infected or has been infected with TB in the past. The TB skin test requires an intradermal injection of the antigen. The needle is the shortest and the syringe is the smallest so that the extremely small doses (drop size doses) of antigen can be delivered between the layers of the skin to create a blister/bleb that looks similar to a mosquito bite. The skin reaction to the antigen is measured for determining positive or negative reactions. They are also used for measuring and/or administering small amounts of medications, fluids, or solutions. For example, in neurosurgery, tuberculin syringes are used in the procedure to place Balcofen pumps into patients. The pumps deliver small amounts of anti-seizure medication into the spinal cord. In this usage, once the catheter is placed into the spinal cord, the TB syringe is used to remove a very minuscule amount of precious Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to make sure the catheter is patent (open). Insulin syringes are similar small syringes for administering insulin but not as small as TB syringes and the needles are for subcutaneous (sub-Q) use and slightly longer than TB syringe needles. The unit measures on the two types of syringes are not the same, so the two can not be interchanged for use.

Can humulin N and humulin r be mixed in the same syringe?

yes it can be mixed as long as the doses is less than 35 /cc

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LSD is a very powerful drug, which is taken in micro-gram doses. Larger doses are lethal.

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The smallest amount typically measurable in a dosage cup is 1 milliliter. Smaller measurements can be challenging due to inaccuracies in measurement and variations in the size and shape of dosage cups. It's always best to use a more precise measuring tool like a syringe for smaller doses.

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When the body requires larger and larger doses of a drug to experience the same effect that a smaller dose once produced is?

Drug tolerant

Can you buy bio spot in bulk and measure the doses out like frontline?

As far as I'm aware you cannot buy any flea treatment drugs 'in bulk' to make up the doses yourself as this could result in overdose if it is not done correctly. You should be able to buy larger boxes containing several pre-made pipettes from the vet or the pet shop.

How are stimulants dangerous?

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0.4 gm is larger than the other two.