Mankind (Humans)
Persia or the black death
One can get this information about mankind from the following sources: Mankind, Mankind Grooming, Wikipedia, Mankind Pharma, Mankind BMX, Mankind Project.
Mankind would cease to be, then.
If you are looking for just a random verse, here is one:" whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind."taken from verse 5:32 of the Holy Quran.
One fourth WHAT of water. -One fourth gill, one fourth pint, one fourth gallon, one fourth ton .
It is one fourth.
Not as often as you would think. For every time it hunts it is only successful one fourth of the time.
The Niland bros. are probably who you are thinking of 2 were killed (Robert and Preston) and one was MIA (Edward)so the fourth was brought back to the US (Fredrick).
One fourth of a yard
The reciprocal of one fourth is four. This means that when you multiply one fourth by its reciprocal, the result is one.
Yes, One half of a fourth is one eighth. A fourth of a half is one eighth aswell.