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Girls can beat up boys easily because if a boy punches a girl they lose almost all there dignity

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11y ago
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12y ago

No boys have super strengh. girls are just weaklings so if you are a girl asking this,you are a complete reatard and weakling

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Can girls beat boys?

Of course girls can beat boys. But mostly it depends on what they are competing at.

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Well, girls hearts are smaller than boys but both gender's of hearts beat at the same pace.

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Because of high metabolic rate.

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I think its because boys need to be "cooler" than girls so they want to be all tough so they bully people,but onn the other hand girls dont need to be tough girls just are pretty Girls attack self esteem, and try and destroy your emotions and social network with hurtful words. Boys like to beat people up because they are more physical than most girls. Some girls beat people up though... and sometimes guys gossip too..

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In other words : Jack up your trucks boys, fat girls can't jump.

Are their more girls than boys?

Yes. People often like boys than girls because when boys grow up, they could stay with their parents