In language and communication, symbols can often be interpreted in different ways. A flashing red light means 'stop, look, proceed' in an intersection but means 'left turn' or 'right turn' when it is on a car's rear lights.
The same is true in film. A symbolic event, like a man diving into water, can mean or foreshadow a cleansing. It can also signal danger or death. It can also symbolize chaos.
In math, most symbols have just one meaning. Some symbols can have multiple meanings depending on context. For example, (5, 7) can mean the ordered pair x=5, y=7. It can also mean the set containing the numbers 5 and 7.
There are also international variations on the meanings of symbols. For example 8,8 in America doesn't mean much but in Europe it means 8.8
A plural noun is a word for more than one person, place, or thing.Examples of nouns for more than one person, place, or thing:answersbabiescabbagesdeskselephantsfriendsgrapeshousesideasjokeskneeslollipopsmelodiesnotesopinionspeoplequestionsrubiesstarstoesunguentsvioletswingsxylophonesyearszippers
some players in 2000 olympic have played for more than 1 discipline. it is legal to play in more than one event
At one point, the priests (in total) were more powerful than the pharoah.
the two symbols were one lantern if they came by land and two if they came by sea.
An ambiduous statement can be interpreted with more than one meaning.
"Equivocable" means able to be interpreted in more than one way.
An ambiguous message is one that has an unclear meaning, in that it could be interpreted in more than one way.
An ambiguous theme would be a theme that could be interpreted in more than one way.
Symbols with more than one letter in them typically represent a combination of elements or concepts that cannot be conveyed by a single letter or character. For example, chemical symbols often contain multiple letters to represent elements with longer names or complex structures. This allows for a more accurate representation of the element or compound being described.
Grouping symbols are symbols such as parentheses or brackets, that indicate that the operations within them should be done first. When an expression contains more than one pair of grouping symbols, the computations in the innermost grouping should be done first.
Because it is more simple to write one or two letters than a word and also these symbols are valid in all languages.
A picture graph uses pictures or symbols to show data. One picture often stands for more than one vote so a key is necessary to understand the symbols.
The phrase "more ways than one" means that something can be done or interpreted in multiple ways or from multiple perspectives. It indicates that there are various approaches or options available to address a particular situation or solve a problem.
That refers to a number that has more than one digit. For example, 416 is a number; the individual symbols, 4, 1, and 6, are its digits. Since the number 416 has more than one digit, it is multidigit.
The base of ambiguous is ambiguity, which refers to a lack of clearness or definiteness. It implies something that can be interpreted in more than one way or is open to multiple interpretations.
Ambiguity is the ability of a word or phrase to be understood in multiple ways, leading to uncertainty or confusion in its interpretation. This can be intentional for artistic or rhetorical effect, or unintentional due to unclear communication. In literature, ambiguity can add depth and complexity to a text, inviting readers to engage with different possible meanings.