

Best Answer

Check out the Related Link below. It shows a chart of Roman Numerals AND it has a neat converter - just enter either a regular number or a Roman numeral and hit convert. Pretty slick. ;-)

1 = I

2 = II

3 = III

4 = IV

5 = V

6 = VI

7 = VII

8 = VIII

9 = IX

10 = X

11 = XI

12= XII

13 = XIII

14 = XIV

15 = XV

16 = XVI

17 = XVII

18 = XVIII

19 = XIX

20 = XX

30 = XXX

40 = XL

50 = L

100 = C

500 = D

1000 = M

See the pattern? Small to the left of a large = subtract from the large. Small to the right of the large = add to the large.

46 = XLVI... subtract X from L, add V and I. Now you have it.

32 = XXXII

1988 = MCMLXXXVIII Hint: Read it as one thousand, nine hundred, eighty-eight.

2007 = MMVII

Hope that helps! ;-)

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