maybe the pulley but not the lever
he invented the pulley but not the lever
Archimedes made many things. He made (invented) the Archimedes screw which helps farmers with their irrigation. He also supposedly made Archimedes Death Ray (which is a myth) and Archimedes Claw which is said unrealistic by modern engineers.
one was the pulley. Another is called Archimedes screw. Its purpose was to bring water from a lower level to a higher one.
Lever and pulley
yes they did they did i have a history degree. Sorry but the first pulley was not invented by the Egyptians it was invented by Archimedes of Syracuse in around 250 BCE.
the pulley was invented in ancient Sicily around 250 BC. The ancient Egyptian wooden four lobe pinion pulley was used to construct the Giza Pyramids around 2600 BC. This pulley surrounds its load and is unlike anything in the modern world. It operates with a mechanical advantage of 2.8 (MA=2.8) on the CLASS 2 lever principle. When hoisted the pulley with load rotates and climbs stepped structures with positive engagements of pulley lobes with steps. This is earliest machine known using "rack and pinion" mechanical technology. Google four lobe pinion pulley
No, The Greek Scientist who founded the Lever and Pulley is Archimedes.
Archimedes discovered/identified the lever, the pulley, and the screw as simple machines.
The ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes is credited with discovering the principles of the lever and the pulley. His work on these simple machines laid the foundation for the field of mechanics.
a pulley that Archimedes made
A lever and a pulley are different. They are both simple machines that have been around for over two thousand years and described in detail by a Greek named Archimedes.
Archimedes made many things. He made (invented) the Archimedes screw which helps farmers with their irrigation. He also supposedly made Archimedes Death Ray (which is a myth) and Archimedes Claw which is said unrealistic by modern engineers.
Archimedes, an ancient Greek scientist, is credited with discovering the principle of the lever and inventing the double pulley and a type of catapult known as the “scorpion.” His contributions to mathematics and engineering greatly influenced scientific development during his time.
Yes. Archimedes did invent the pulley.
Archimedes invented the six simple machines.
Archimedes made the lever sometime between 280bc to210bc.