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Sort of, but it was entirely mechanical and he could never get funded to build it. It was called the Analytical Engine.

Charles Babbage invented a calculating machine which he called a 'Difference Engine'. And later designed an 'Analytical Engine' though this was never built.

Ada Lovelace was a niece of Babbage. She was the daughter of the Poet Byron. She had a significant interest in mathematics, and in developing an algorithm for Babbage's Engine. She is regarded as the first computer programmer.

As for the modern concept of a computer, for which there are several technical requirements, the ABC computer ; Atanasoff - Berry - Computer is the first of what would be considered the modern programmable computer. A model of this machine exists at Iowa State University.

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13y ago

Ada Lovelace described and published an algorithm for Charles Babbage's analytical engine to computer Bernoulli numbers. It is generally considered the first algorithm ever specifically tailored for implementation on a computer, and for this reason she is considered by many to be the first computer programmer.

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10y ago

Ada Lovelace did not invent the computer. She is, however, considered to be the writer of the first computer program which was written for a mathematical machine called the Difference Engine and she is considered the 'mother of computer programming.'

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With Help From The famous Calulator Mathematician, Charles Babbage.

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