No! None of Babbage's designs would fit on a lap. The Analytical Engine (his only true computer) would have likely weighed 50 to 100 tons and was never built.
All of his designs were "industrial equipment" designed for permanent stationary factory installation.
Charles Babbage and it was first made for military use
Charles Babbage did not invent the computer printer. He is most famous for inventing the "Babbage Difference engine" which was a mechanically operated calculator. Babbage started his work on the difference engine in 1822 and continued to improve on his ideas throughout his life eventually developing several computational machines. Babbage is also the inventor of the cow-catcher and the opthalmoscope.
London, but he never built it.
The first person to invent a computer is Charles Babbage, that is why he is being referred to as the father of computer.
Lots of people did not invent the computer. I'm one of them, but I'm extremely grateful to Charles Babbage and Lord Byron's daughter.
Charles babbage
Charles Babbage invented his computer in the year 1822
Charles Babbage and it was first made for military use
Charles Babbage did not invent the computer printer. He is most famous for inventing the "Babbage Difference engine" which was a mechanically operated calculator. Babbage started his work on the difference engine in 1822 and continued to improve on his ideas throughout his life eventually developing several computational machines. Babbage is also the inventor of the cow-catcher and the opthalmoscope.
the computer
CHARLES BABBAGE , the person who invented the computer
yes,its computer.
Charles BABBAGE invented a prototype of the modern computer.
Charles Babbage. In America in 1944
London, but he never built it.
No,because the inventor of ENIAC is John Presper Eckert Jr. and John Mauchly.