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Walk I take the bus or get driven, and I always take my lunch to avoid cafeteria lines and mystery meat! Both And, yet another answer I am driven to school by a bus, and I eat the school lunch (not always the best we all know). I walk to school sometimes, sometimes I ride my bike, sometimes my dad will drive me, and my school has good food so I eat cafeteria food. Loads of answers, this is a comment:

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Q: Do you walk to school or bring your lunch?
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What can you bring to school for lunch?

you can bring anything

Is it correct to say bring your lunch or take your lunch?

take your lunch to school becuz you are taking it today

Why you should eat your school lunches?

You shouldnt! school lunches are really unhealthy. bring your own lunch.

Can you die of school lunch?

i suggest not eating the school lunch. im eleven and i surveyed everyone at my school if they had a stomach ache after eating the lunch and the majority said friend still thinks shes got a tapeworm from eating the school salad. either get the lunch and dont eat it, or bring your lunch. but its not very likely to die from school lunch.but it is possible.

Do elementary kids in South Korea bring their lunch or buy food there?

they can bring their lunches without the money but if their parents are work, so they don't have time to made lunch, then they have pay money for month to have lunch in school( the cafeteria )

What can your daughter wear to school for Valentine word day?

A Red Dress and For Lunch Bring A Red Heart Cookie

Is school lunch really healthy?

It depends on what you eat for a school lunch. If your lunch is packed yes if not then no. It can be healthy if you eat fruits and vegetables at school lunch.

How do you Reduce garbage in school?

We use both sides on paper, try to reuse our materials, and also, bring litterless lunch

Is it a law that you can't bring homemade food to school in Oregon?

It is against the law to bring items such as homemade cupcakes and the like for the whole class. Your child can still bring a homemade lunch for themselves though.

Should candy and pop come with the school lunch?

Yes candy and pop should come with the school's lunch because the kid always have there healthy school lunches but do we anything like this no right so kids can have sweet wile they have a schools healthy lunch

Do you walk to work or carry a lunch?


Is this a healthy school lunch?

Is WHAT a healthy school lunch? You need to specify what you are referring to!