

Hottest hour of the day

Updated: 12/13/2022
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14y ago

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Noon, pending on latitude and longitudinal location.

EDIT: Noon is kind of a misconception. Typically the hottest hour of the day is 3pm. This is due to water vapor charging up with heat and finally radiating with the sunlight. Noon is merely when the sun is the most directly over head.

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What is the celebrated ending of world war 1 hour day month?

11th hour, 11th day ,11th month

What is the hottest day in history in the world?

On September 13, 1922 the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was reached in Al 'Aziziyah, Libya, a city in the north of Africa. The temperature that day was an incredibly hot 136°F (57.7°C)! That's about as hot as a cup of hot chocolate you might drink! Except instead of being comfortable in a cup, warming you up on a cool day, that's the temperature of the air around you! It would not be very pleasant at all, and that sort of heat can actually be dangerous.North America isn't far behind Africa in terms of heat. The second hottest day ever was recorded in Death Valley, California, with a very hot 134°F.(source: belive that the hottest day was when the earth was a big clump of magma.

Why does veterans day always takes place on the 11th month and the 11th hour and the 11th day?

Originally, in the US Veterans Day was known as Armistice Day, because it was on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month that the guns fell silent ending WWI.

What does day light savings do?

We have day light savings because Benjiman Franklin said to.

Who said11th hour of th 11th day of the 11 month?

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month refers to Veteran's day. It was also when world war 1 ended. Veteran's day moment of silence is at the that very hour, saluting all the fallen veterans.

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Hottest Time of the Day was created on 2008-08-29.

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The hottest day ever in Wee Waa is not listed. The hottest day ever in January in Wee Waa is listed as 1/16/1979.

can you can you make a sentence with the word hottest?

yes; "You are the hottest person i have ever seen!"i am the hottest person alive.this is the hottest day of the year!

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the hottest day in 1929 was 97 degrees on July 23rd

What is the hottest day in Death Valley?

There is a reason its called Death Valley. The hottest day ever there is also the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth-- 134 degrees in 1913.

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The Hottest Day Of December Was Sunday December a two didgit nom. that starts with 20

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The hottest part of the day in Phoenix, Arizona is typically in the late afternoon, between 3 pm and 5 pm. This is when the sun is highest in the sky and temperatures peak.

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when there is santa ana winds.

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