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Although hieroglyphics were used as a form of writing, they were different from the alphabet because they were pictographs (picture images that represented different thoughts and concepts), rather that characters that are combined to communicate representative ideas.

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9y ago
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12y ago

While the ancient egyptians used symbols like animals or shapes, we use letters and words. All you 6th graders, like u.

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Heidi Busby

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3y ago
Im in 7th grade so EXCUSE ME....

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11y ago

They use pictures we don't. They write in hieroglyphics we write in english.

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11y ago

Hieroglyphics are drawings, commonly referred to as pictographs, while the alphabet are letters.

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Q: How are the symbols in hieroglyphics different than the symbols used in our writing system?
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What is the word for Egyptian writing where pictorial symbols were used?

they are called called hieroglyphics.

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How were cuneiform different to hieroglyphics?

Cuneiform was a writing system used in ancient Mesopotamia using wedge-shaped characters on clay tablets, while hieroglyphics were a writing system used in ancient Egypt using pictorial symbols. Cuneiform was written on clay tablets and hieroglyphics on stone, papyrus, or other surfaces. Cuneiform consisted of hundreds of characters, while hieroglyphics had thousands of symbols.

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How are the symbols used in our writing system different from hieroglyphics?

in their writting system they have pictures in ours its in letters.I hope this helps :)Maridelle Garcia I.S. 72

Was it hard to write in hieroglyphics for a pharaoh?

Hieroglyphics were the Ancient Egyptian's system of writing, like we have the alphabet, so a Pharaoh wouldn't have had a problem writing in hieroglyphics, as these were the symbols that the Ancient Egyptians had learnt to write with.

What is Egyptian writing called and how is it different than ours?

The Egyptian system of writing was called "Hieroglyphics" . The writing combines logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a total of some 1,000 distinct characters. By "our system writing" if you mean the Roman alphabet, then this only has 26 letters where each letter contributes a sound to make a word. There are about 172 thousand words in English.

How was Phoenician writing different from hieroglyphics and cuneiform writing?

Phoenician writing, known as the Phoenician alphabet, was a simpler system composed of 22 consonants. In contrast, hieroglyphics were a complex system of pictorial symbols used in ancient Egypt and cuneiform was a wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia. Phoenician writing's innovation lay in using individual symbols to represent distinct sounds, making it easier to learn and more versatile for different languages.

How do you spell heirgliphics?

The correct spelling is "hieroglyphics." It is an ancient writing system that uses pictures or symbols to represent words or sounds.

What is a system of writing that uses picture-like symbols?

Early people often used a writing system that uses pictures to indicate words. This system is called hieroglyphics. Sketches are found in stone and inside cave walls.

Is hieroglyphics and cuneiform the same thing?

No, hieroglyphics and cuneiform are not the same thing. Hieroglyphics is the writing system used by ancient Egyptians, characterized by pictorial symbols, while cuneiform is the writing system used by ancient Mesopotamians, characterized by wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.

How are symbols in hiergliphics different than the symbols used in our writing system?

The numbers are different and so is the writing from ours.