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It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. "Roman Catholic" thus began in England, but Catholicism began with Our Blessed Lord in Jerusalem. Christianity has been known as the Catholic Church since the first century.

Catholicism started fifty days after the first Easter, which was the day following Passover (early spring) in the year (approximately) 33 A.D., in other words, fifty-three days after Jesus' death on the cross when He sent the Holy Spirit down on the early church. That day is called Pentecost, which is the "birthday of the Church" and is celebrated each year fifty days after Easter. This year (2010) it will be the 23rd of May

The Catholic religion had is birthday on Pentecost Sunday in about the year 33 AD in the Cenacle (upper room) in Jerusalem. It was on that day that the apostles received the promised Holy Spirit who gave them the encouragement to begin spreading the Gospel. It quickly spread to other areas of the Roman Empire and, eventually, to the rest of the world.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Roman Catholic Church started by Our Blessed Lord dying on the cross, His side was pierced by a sword, and blood and water flowed out. It was then shown to the world on Pentecost when God sent the Holy Spirit to guide it always and to strengthen the Apostles as they preached the Gospel to the ends of the world.
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