there was different categories, the Pharaoh was like a president , while the farmers or peasants were very pore and almost like slaves.
Ancient Egyptians built pyramids in order to bury the pharaohs and their queens.
Acient Egypt.
Things like Linen, Jewels, and Animal hide.
Egyptians live in Egypt because egyptians have the word egypt.
The Egyptians were people who came from Egypt.
I think it is people in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptians built pyramids in order to bury the pharaohs and their queens.
The ancient Egyptians were convinced that temples were perfect fpr gods and goddesses
Ancient Egypt ware is shirt and cow.
there were many leaders of ancient egypt, known as the pharaohs
Acient Egypt.
A pantheon of Gods and an afterlife.
acient is not spelled that way it is Ancient and you are probably doing a DLR