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He died from holonormasta disease aka " flesh eatining virus' he encountered it in the mountains around ancient Rome. he died after 15 hours of painul agony. that is how the famous world renound eudoxus of cindus died.

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Q: How did eudoxus of cnidus die?
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Where did eudoxus of cnidus work?

Around 387 BC, at the age of 23, he traveled to Athens to study with the followers of Socrates.

What was eudoxus of cnidus famous for?

He thought the earth was at the center of the universe and developed the theory of the Crystal spheres. He studied under Plato in Athens, Greece.

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Eudoxus of Cnidus, a student of Plato, developed the system of concentric spheres in his attempt to explain planetary motion and the movements of the stars. This system later influenced the Ptolemaic astronomical model, which incorporated epicycles to account for observed planetary motion.

What year did Eudoxus the astronomer die?

347 BCE

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Battle of Cnidus happened in -394.

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of Cnidus Agatharchides has written: 'Agatharchides of Cnidus on the Erythraean Sea' -- subject(s): Description and travel, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Erythraeidae Sea

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What year was Eudoxus born?

408 BCE