An Abacus has beads and strings.
ABACUS is a name of a calculating apparatus - it is not an acronym.
If you are refering to Chinese abacus their earliest rudimentary design of abacus has 1/4 rod beads (quite similar to the later Japanese soroban abacus). Various other types of abacus design were also seen afterwards, but the advance type of 2/5 rod beads became standard and classic. Afterwards, the basic 1/5 rod beads particularly became the type of basic design. The Roman abacus may be not connected to the Chinese abacus.
No, the Abacus was invented by the Sumerians in 2,700 BCE
They come in various sizes, but a typical abacus is about eight inches square.
Well, answer 1 didn't seem to make much sense...go to the link below to see a picture of a typical abacus
China invented the abacus .
If he isn't the inventor, that probably means that somebody else invented it. Look it up on Wikipedia - it seems that the abacus was already used thousands of years ago.d
How did the abacus occur?
An Abacus has beads and strings.
The Chinese abacus
to help people make their buts look biggerbecause i like pie
it is the abacus. :D :D :D i got is dummies
The abacus II!
the Chinese invented the abacus
the invenor of the abacus is the invenor of me