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You can use the formula for a cylinder in this case.

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Q: How do do you calculate the volume of a can in Archimedes principle?
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Who discover density?

The principle of density was discovered by Archimedes. To calculate density, we use the equation Density = mass/volume.

What is the formula in Archimedes' principle?

Volume of liquid displaced = Volume of object submerged

What principle is involved in the determination of the volume of an irregularly shaped water insoluble solid?

This is the Archimedes principle.

What does Archimedes principle and the buoyancy have in common and where is it employed?

Archimedes' principle is the statement that says buoyancy exists, and explains how to calculate its magnitude. The principle is applied extensively in the maritime shipping and hot-air balooning industries.

Archimedes principle helps to explain the relationship between what?

Archimedes principle helps explain the relationship between weight and volume. The term is specific gravity.

How much fluid does an object need to displace to float?

A volume equal to its own weight (Archimedes' Principle).

Why was Archimedes important to the world?

Archimedes is especially important for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing cyclinder. He is known for his formulation of a hydrostatic principle (known as Archimedes' principle) and a device for raising water, still used in developing countries, known as the Archimedes screw.

When was The Archimedes Principle created?

The Archimedes Principle was created in 2004.

What did Archimedes find?

He discovered the method to calculate the volume of a irregular object (rock).

How do you work out the volume of displaced water from an anchor that lies on the bottom of the ocean?

To calculate the volume of water displaced by an anchor on the ocean floor, you can use Archimedes' principle. The volume of water displaced will be equal to the volume of the anchor that is submerged underwater. By knowing the density of water and the weight of the anchor, you can calculate the volume of water displaced.

What is the duration of The Archimedes Principle?

The duration of The Archimedes Principle is 1.67 hours.

Is Archimedes best known for his principle which deals with the buoyant force?

Yes, Archimedes is best known for his principle that is Archimedes' principle ( or the law of buoyancy )