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Find the area of the flowing substance (at right angles to the flow) and multiply by the speed at that location.

Flow rate is volume divided by time, such as cubic meters per second or cubic feet per second.

Let's say you have a stream emptying into the ocean that is 20 meters wide. The average depth at that location is about 5 meters. The average flow rate is 2 meters per second.

20 m x 5 m = 100 m^2 area of flow.

2 m/s x 100 m^2 = 200 m^3/s, 200 cubic meters per second.

There are problems with all of these measurements, so there will be some uncertainty in your answer. Streams don't have the same depth all the way across, and tidal flow is in both directions and varies all the time. You would have to figure out some kind of average depth and speed.

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