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Patience and arm strength.

Patience is something that comes from within you.... Arm strength, however, is something that you can develop and A LOT of it has to do with throwing mechanics.

-A general rule for throwing a football is that you have to pretend that you're throwing something a lot smaller and a lot lighter then the actual football that you're throwing, like say.. a tennis ball.

-Another thing is visualization. Instead of putting every ounce of strength that you have into throwing the ball that far, try to visualize going as far as you want to throw it. Try to "aim your distance." What that means is, throw the ball as if you were throwing it 20 yards, but visualize it going straight to the target. Keep looking at the target well after you follow through with your throw. The key here is to not put every ounce of strength you have into your throw.

-The grip of the football.... That is something that you have to develop on your own, but a general rule is to have a little air between your palm and the ball.

-Try using your abdominal muscles more when you throw, if you use all arm, then the ball will go nowhere. The abdominal muscles are where most of the umph in the throw comes from. Pretend you're doing an oblique crunch when throwing.

-Study NFL quarterbacks who are good at throwing the deep ball. Donovan McNabb is a perfect example. watch how it seems like he barely tries when he's throwing them and try to model your throw after his.

-Of course, making your arms stronger by any kind of training will help as well. But it's not necessary, as your arm will become stronger the more you throw. Just be sure to eat a lot of protein.

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