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Neptunium is radioactive, so it's usage would be somewhere in that realm. It is most often found as a biproduct of nuclear reactors and plutonium manufacture.

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Q: How do you use Neptunium in real life?
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What is neptunium used for in everyday lives?

Neptunium has not today any use in every day life.

Where in life do you encounter neptunium?

You have any chance to encounter neptunium.

What is neptunium tetrafluoride used for?

No use today; neptunium trifluoride is used to prepare neptunium metal.

What can doctors use neptunium for?

Neptunium hasn't medical uses.

What is the half life of neptunium 238 over a period of 10 years?

The half-life of neptunium-238 is approximately 2.12 days. Therefore, over a period of 10 years, neptunium-238 would undergo multiple half-lives and decay significantly.

What is trichloride use for?

Neptunium trichloride has no use today.

What is neptunium hexafluoride used for?

No use today

What is neptunium pentafluoride used for?

No use today

What is neptunium tetrabromide used for?

No use today

What is neptunium oxide used for?

No use today

What is neptunium triiodide used for?

No use today

Price of neptunium?

The price of neptunium varies depending on the quantity and purity required. Neptunium is a rare and radioactive element, so acquiring it can be expensive. Prices are not publicly available, and interested parties would need to contact specialized suppliers or institutions for specific pricing information.