Myles Standish was born in 1584.
Juan de Garay died in 1584.
William of Orange
Ivan IV (Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny, aka the Terrible) was born in 1530, and ruled from 1533 to 1584 when he died of a heart attack. His mother, Yelena, served as Regent for Ivan from 1533 to 1538 when was poisoned.
William of Orange died of pneumonia, a complication from a broken collarbone, resulting from a fall off his horse, Sorrel.
1584 was the 16th century.
16th Century
2x2x2x2x3x3x11 =) Go to ( to learn how to factorize
There are 0.001584 grams in 1584 micrograms.
1584 charge of the light brigade
The phone number of the Marktown Community Center is: 219-397-1584.
It is: 24*32 = 1584