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A QB's arm strength is routinely exaggerated, so it is hard to find true information. However, I have been both a pitcher and a QB, and there is a direct coorelation between Baseball pitching MPH and the distance you should be able to throw a football. Below is a chart based upon general observations with different pitchers in the 65-MPH to 90MPH range


MPH Expected Football Distance

65 45 Yards

70 50 Yards

75 55 Yards

80 60 Yards

85 65 Yards

90 70 Yards

95 75 Yards (estimated)

100 80 Yards (estimated)

These observations are based upon near sea-level altitudes with no-wind. If you were throwing in Mile-High stadium, you could add another 8-10% to these figures.

Rarely will you see an NFL QB throw the ball (in the air) longer than 60 yards. Also know that any quarterback can throw the ball 100 yards if the wind at their back was strong enough.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

In a game, the longest verifiable throw of an American football is 82 or 83 yards. It took place between Dallas Cowboys QB Don Meredith and superstar receiver Bob Hayes. It resulted in a 95 yard touchdown.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The longest completed pass in the NFL (who cares about attempts, really?) is 99 yards, by the following QB's on the dates listed. (

Frank Filchock (to Farkas), Washington vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 15, 1939

George Izo (to Mitchell), Washington vs. Cleveland, Sept. 15, 1963

Karl Sweetan (to Studstill), Detroit vs. Baltimore, Oct. 16, 1966

Sonny Jurgensen (to Allen), Washington vs. Chicago, Sept. 15, 1968

Jim Plunkett (to Branch), L.A. Raiders vs. Washington, Oct. 2, 1983

Ron Jaworski (to Quick), Philadelphia vs. Atlanta, Nov. 10, 1985

Stan Humphries (to Martin), San Diego vs. Seattle, Sept. 18, 1994

Brett Favre (to Brooks), Green Bay vs. Chicago, Sept. 11, 1995

Trent Green (to Boerigter), Kansas City vs. San Diego, Dec. 22, 2002

Jeff Garcia (to Davis), Cleveland vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 17, 2004

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Terry Bradshaw in 1975 at a football camp at Louisiana Tech in Ruston threw the ball 100 yards in the air to Roger Carr. Also John Elway threw a Nerf ball 100 yards

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βˆ™ 17y ago

I believe the farthest throw in an NFL game was John Elway (in the air) 75-80 yards

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βˆ™ 14y ago

I heard that Ray Guy, the hall of fame NFL punter could throw a football from goal line to goal line (100 yards).

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Peyton Manning of the Indianapolis Colts once threw an NFL football 97 yards. This record just barely passed Brett Favres 95 yard throw.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

There is no definitive record for the longest football throw in history, but many believe former NFL quarterback Vinny Testaverde's 80-yard throw in the 1988

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Does air pressure inside a football effect how far you can throw it?


How far can you throw a soccer ball?

In speaking about American football, the position called quarteback, is the one most often having the responsibility of throwing the football to one of his receiving players. In doing so certainly distance is an important factor but that alone is not sufficient. Accuracy combined with distance can make or break a football play. At the professional football level, a coach can expect the quarterback to be able to throw a football at between 45 to 60 yards with accuracy.

What do you do with footballs?

In American football (gridine) you kick and throw it. In Irish football (gaelic) you kick, hanball and throw it. Soccer - Kick and Throw Aussie Rules - Kick, HAndball, SMILE!!!!

What is the distance you can throw a football on a standard football field?

Well, many quarterbacks can throw 60 yards, the farthest recorded throw, was 45646 yards by Donald Trump's hair.

How can you throw a football further?

To throw a football, hold the football in your hand with the laces under your fingertips. Then pull your arm back, to your head or past it. Bring your arm forward in a slightly curved outward motion, overhand. As you release the ball, close your hand, bringing your fingers inward (as if making a fist), pulling down on the laces to impart a spiral spin to the ball. On a hard throw, twist your upper body to the side away from that arm, to add power, and your arm should curve back in front of your body. On a softer throw, it will move forward, and then downward as the elbow straightens. Practice your throwing motion until you can consistently hit a standard bed pillow placed 40 feet (10 m) away, or until you can put the ball into a moving player's hands at that distance or less.

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60 yards in a game , but he thinks he can throw about 70-80yrds

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100 yards

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75 yrds

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7 yards!

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75 yards

How far can Troy Aikman throw the football?

69 yards

What factors make someone able to throw a football far?

The Pressure of your hand and how hard you throw it

How fast a football player throw a football?

John Elway was clocked at 61 mph.

How far can a quarter back throw the football?

Tothe field goal

How far up in the air can you throw a football?

3 meters if your weak