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There's no difference

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Q: How is colonial life different from English life?
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How was life in Colonial America different from life in the US today?

The early Americans had no technology,long distance communication,or cars.

What is the difference between colonial law English law?

colonial law is not law are rules of english law

What were women's roles in colonial New York?

Women's roles in Colonial New York were very different than their English counterparts. The women of colonial New York were Dutch and were able to work, run businesses, and own property.

What was colonial life like in the south?

colonial life was like a stopid country

Is the country life nowaday different to the country life in the past?

Colonial life was differnent because it was harder and it required a lot of work. Now a days life is a lot easier.

How was life like for a priest in Colonial times?

how was life like for colonial priests/preachers

How did the mercantilist policies actually work in the colonial English trade relations?

They didn't people did what they wanted in life and didn't care about anything else.

The English policy of interfering very little in colonial affairs was called?

Council Rights is the English policy. This is the colonial affairs.

What does a colonial life Smithy do?

it is a colonial life meaning for a perosn, and a long life person... actully.............. i dont know, so listen to this.

How were colonial towns similar to and different from colonial colonies?
