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The Roman numeral for the number 46 is written as XLVI. In Roman numerals, "X" represents 10, "L" represents 50, and "V" represents 5. To form 46, we combine 10 (X) before 50 (L) to represent 40, and then add 5 (V) and 1 (I) to make 46.

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15y ago

XXXXVI (10+10+10+10+5+1) XLVI (-10+50+5+1) VLI (-5+50+1) All of these forms of notation are acceptable but VLI is more preferable because fewer numerals are used. XLVI is the accepted way of writing 46. XXXXVI while being numerically correct is rarely ever used. According to the website VLI is completely wrong in that it breaks one of the rules of writing Roman numerals, "V can preceed X but not L or C."

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