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A normal computer usually takes exactly 2.341 seconds to compute the first 1 million digits of pi. A supercomputer on the other hand takes 1.267 seconds to compute pi. For a Mac, it takes 2.231 seconds.

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Q: How long does it take a computer to calculate pi?
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The computer. And it is not limited to 500 million decimal digits; currently it is possible to calculate pi to several TRILLION decimal places.

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The evolution of computer technology allows us to calculate the value of pi to an ever-increasing number of decimal places. In 2010 a computer in China calculated pi to 5 trillion decimal places.

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The evolution of this thechnological invention allows us to calculate the value of pi to 500 million places?

a computer

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The evlolution of this technological invention allows us to calculate the value of pi to 500 million places?

The computer

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How do you calculate the circumference?

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Who invented the technonologival invention that allows us to calculate pi to 500 million places?

Research the invention of the computer.