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it was a size 4 1/2

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Q: How long was the first Roman foot?
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Who decided how long a foot is?

A king from the Roman Empire

What is foot in length?

An imperial or US foot is 12 inches long or 0.3048 meters. A roman foot was 0.971 feet or 0.296 meters long.

What is 1 foot in the Roman empire?

A roman foot is 296.2 mm

What was the length of a foot in the Roman empire?

The Roman foot, or "pes" was 11.6 inches.

What was the length of the foot during the roman empire time?

The length of a Roman foot, which was called a "pes", was based on the "unciae" which was the Roman inch. Twelve unciae equalled one Roman foot, just as in our measurements twelve inches equals one foot.

What was the Roman foot based on?

The length of an average male foot.

Roman foot based on?

your forearm

What object is about a foot long?

My foot is actually about 1 foot long!

What was the foot based off of in the time of the roman empire?

The Roman foot was based off of the Roman inch, just as our feet and inches are related. However the Romans had nothing as simple as our inch, foot, yard, mile measurement. They had several length measurements before they finally reached the term for the Roman mile. The Roman foot was 12 unicae, (inches) and was called a pes. Five pedes (plural of pes) was 1 passus. 1000 passus was a mile.

What was the legth of a foot based on in Roman times?

In Roman times the length of a foot was called a pes. The pes consisted of 12 unicae. (like our 12 inches to a foot) So the Roman foot was based on the unica, just as our foot is based on the inch. However the length measurements of the Romans were slightly shorter than ours. That is, a unica = .97 of our inch and a pes = 11.6 inches instead of our 12 inches.

What is the origin of the foot measurement?

A long time ago a king wanted to see how long his foot was. His foot was exactly 12 feet long so he called that a foot.

What items are a foot long?

My foot