No one knows. Thousands died during attacks,from starvation,cold weather,illness,etc.
10 million- 7 million solider and 3 million civilians
42.4 thousand died in the Korean war
See website: Korean War
2,448,095 soldiers died in total in the Korean war.
One estimate is about 2 million South Korean civilians, and 660,000 South Korean soldiers.
there was an estimated 7 million soldiers that died during the korean war, and 3 million civilians.
10 million- 7 million solider and 3 million civilians
4 million soldiers and civilians.
42.4 thousand died in the Korean war
See website: Korean War
2,448,095 soldiers died in total in the Korean war.
Korea was a Japanese Colony during World War 2. There is o recorded Military deaths of any Korean Soldier but 450,000 Civilians were killed during World War 2.
One estimate is about 2 million South Korean civilians, and 660,000 South Korean soldiers.
Well we know 30,000 Americans died and and estimate would be 436 Utahns killed in the Korean war.
7812 hampsters died.
See: Korean War
Many died