There were and have always been four quarters.
Two consecutive quarters.
There are four quarters lasting fifteen minutes each. As the word "quarter" suggests, there are four.
... A quarter is the mathematical definition of one fourth of a whole, so obviously four.According to the FIFA Laws of the Game, a football match is played in two equal halves (not quarters). In the event that you're talking about American football, the answer is four--which is actually evident from the word "quarters" regardless of what sport you mean.
There are 12 months in one year.
2. It's the same as anywhere else. There are 2 semester in one year, 4 quarters in one year, or 3 trimesters in one year.
There are 4 quarters in one hour. x
4 quarters
Nine. there are four quarters in one, so therefore, two has eight quarters, plus one extra makes nine quarters.
There are 12 months in a year, so a quarter of a year = 12/4 = 3 months. 3 quarters = 3 times 3months = 9 months.
4 :)
40 quarters (4 quarters in one dollar) so 4x10=40
62.5 ml are in one quarter of a cup
2 quarters make up one half
One and a half.