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Over 12 miles.

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Q: How many square miles did the hiroshima bomb demolish?
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How many miles did the first atomic bomb level in square miles?

The first atomic bomb, dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, leveled an area of about 4.7 square miles.

How many square miles did the first atomic bomb cover?

It destroyed approx 4.7 square miles of Hiroshima.

How many square miles was the first atomic bomb leveled approximately?

4.7 square miles of Hiroshima were destroyed.

The first A bomb leveled how many square miles?

US estimates suggest that 4.7 square miles of Hiroshima were destroyed.

How many square miles did the first atomic bomb leveled approximately?

The first atomic bomb, dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, leveled approximately 4.7 square miles of the city.

The first atomic bomb leveled approximately square miles.?

the first atomic bomb leveled nothing. That was exploded at the Trinity test site. The first bomb used in war was at Hiroshima Japan, and pretty much destroyed everything in a 3 mile radius. That is just over 7 square miles.

How far did the planes travel to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki from Tinian Island?

About 1500 miles.

How do you demolish a house?

put a bomb in it

What time was the bomb droped on hiroshima?

What time was the bomb droped on hiroshima?

How long did it take to make the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima?

over 12 miles

Where did the hiroshima bomb happen?

Hiroshima, Japan

The first atomic bomb leveled approximately how many square miles?

The bomb dropped on Hiroshima totally destroyed everything in a 1.6 km radius, a total of 12 km2 was destroyed. 80 000 people were killed by the blast and resulting firestorm, with another 80 000 dieing later from after effects.