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A murder can only be committed once.

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Q: How many times a minute is a murder committed?
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What crimes were there in Roman times?

I know there were many rapes, theft, murder, vandalism, etc.

Have any US presidents ever committed homicide?

Not in a strictly legal sense. Many years prior to his election, Andrew Jackson shot and killed a man in a duel, but that was not considered homicide or murder at that time and place.

Did the cowboys ever score three touchdowns in last two min Of play?

No, but during the Roger Staubach era of the 1970s, the Cowboys performed last-minute magic many times.

What was the name of the murder of many Jews and others in 1940?

It is called the Holocaust.

What is America's first prison?

Don't know if the first person sent to prison is recorded but there are some facts dealing with the first execution. The first recorded execution in the new colonies was that of Captain George Kendall in the Jamestown colony of Virginia in 1608. Kendall was executed for being a spy for Spain. The Pilgrims committed adultery (Hawthorne's ''Scarlet Letter''); the court records indicate there were many accusations of witchcraft and defamation of character. There was domestic violence and it was considered a crime to abuse a parent. Since the Pilgrims enjoyed a drink of alcohol now and then, there were probably fights and theft. According to a timeline on the HistoryNet, in 1630, John Billington, one of the original Pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower, became the first person in the American colonies hanged for murder. Murder in America, by Roger Lane, is a history of murder in America going back to colonial times.

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