

How much does tea cost?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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15y ago

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you can get it from vending machines for 30p in the sport centre in barnard castle

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Why did the people of Boston refuse the tea?

it cost to much money for the tons of boxes of tea

How much did tea cost in 1930?

In terms of British money, a pound of tea cost £ 1 10s. That would be a total of 30 shillings.

Why were the coloists not pacified by the discounted cost of tea after the Tea Act of 1773?

Answer: the revolution was assured tons of tea were thrown out

Who were the people who protested in the tea act of 1773?

They were mainly smugglers upset over the cost of tea. The British had lowered the tea tax which meant that the cost of the Dutch tea they smuggled in was higher than English. Hamilton , a smuggler and Son's of Liberty member, got men together and also recruited men from the wharf pubs to throw tea into Boston harbor from 3 ships. They also attacked one of the ships captains.

Why did they dumped the tea in Boston Tea Party?

They didn't dress up. This is part of the fable. The Boston Tea Party was a protest of the lowering of the cost of the British tea by the government and the East India tea company who had gotten a bail out from the crown in 1773. The smugglers in the colonies found the Dutch tea that they sold was higher in price than the British tea, so they staged the Boston Tea Party and others in harbors in the colonies ( Hamilton was one of the largest smugglers in the colonies and a founding member of the Son's of Liberty). The cost of tea also went as far back as the Navigation Acts and the restricting of trade to and from the colonies passed from 1650-1733. Tea was also taxed in 1767 in the Townsend Acts.