He would be 125 years old, having been born in 1889.
he was born March 14, 1879 was so as of 2012 he would be 133years old
Born in 1847 !
In 2011 you would be 136-137 depending on the date of birth.
From 2012 it would be 1921
Someone born in 1932 would be 81 years old in 2013.
Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel) was born on March 2, 1904. Therefore, in 1921 he would have been 17 years old.
That depends on your date of birth in 1921. Before your birthday in 2010 you would be 88. On your birthday in 2010 you would turn 89.
You are 86
If someone was born in 1959, they would be 62 years old in 2021.
If someone was born in 1950, they would be 71 years old in 2021.
If someone was born in 2001 and it is currently 2022, they would be 21 years old.
Someone born in 1983 would be 27 years old in 2010.
If someone was born on January 26, 1959, they would be 55 years old this year.
If someone was born in 1969 they would be 41 years old in 2010. 2010 - 1969 = 41