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He wasn't.

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Q: How was Isaac Newton proved to be wrong?
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Was Isaac Newton proven wrong?

He was proved not sufficiently accurate in extreme circumstances.

What did Sir Isaac Newton discover that also proved Aristotle to be wrong about?

Isaac Newton proved that when an apple falls from a tree this is not due to gravity but the phazons that our reflecting off of the outer shell of the apple. This is of course in contrary to Aristotles works.

Who mathematically proved the observations of Galileo and Copernicus.?

Sir Isaac newton

Who proved the existence of gravity?

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with proving the existence of gravity through his theory of universal gravitation published in the Principia Mathematica in 1687. This theory explained how objects with mass attract each other through gravitational force, based on the law of universal gravitation.

What was the importance of alexis clairaunts correct prediction of when halleys comet would return?

It proved that Isaac newton's Theories Of Motion And Gravity are correct.

He mathematically proved the observations of Galileo and Copernicus?

Sir Isaac Newton

How isaac newton have proved that the white light have seven colour?

He 'employed' the Prism.

Why did people thought that Earth was not in the centre of Solar System?

because a man named Galileo Galilee proved it wrong but it wasn't until Isaac newton was the idea fully published.

Who developed a theory about the effect of gravity?

Isaac newton

Who discovered the law of motion and the law of universal gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton.

What does Sir Isaac Newton have to do with tides?

he proved that there was a force called gravity. the moon's gravity causes water to rise.

Who defined the laws of motion?

Isaac Newton formulated the laws of motion. These should not be confused with the laws of planetary motion by Keplar