

Best Answer
HITLERHitler started the Hitler Youth before he came to power so when he did all the kids in the youth prgoram would eb old enough to do anything fro him because they were taught since they were little to hate Jews. Germany was also going through economic depression and needed a "scape-goat," and the Jews were a very convenient scape-goat because many people already hated them. Hitler used his intelligence to convinve people that it was all the Jews fault and people followed him and planned prosecutions. He also used propoganda to urge people to join his cause.
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Q: How was it possible for a modern state to carry out the systematic murder of a whole people for no reason for other than that they were Jews?
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What was the nazi program that came to be known as the Holocaust?

The wiping out of the European community of Jewish people, as well as the handicapped and gypsies too. Organized, systematic, inhuman mass murder

What was the conclusion of the holocaust?

This answer may not be exact but you can say it was the systematic murder of eleven-million people or the genocide of the Jews.The Nasis tried to run, but the USA Liberators came in and saved the people in the concentration camps. Some websites have pictures/videos of what the USA people found. It's really creepy!!!

Why did Cortes murder Montezuma?

Cortes didn't murder Montezuma his people murdered him

What is the systematic killing of people?

Genocide Genocide

Did the ancient Greek god Ares murder anyone?

He killed people in battles. Murder is a different matter.

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Hitler's systematic murder of 11 million people?

he was a hobnocker


The Nazis' systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half of whom were Jews

What was the nazi program that came to be known as the Holocaust?

The wiping out of the European community of Jewish people, as well as the handicapped and gypsies too. Organized, systematic, inhuman mass murder

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because it is possible that it can be unfair to people

What did the Nazi administration mean by the phrase special treatment?

The phrase "special treatment" used by the Nazi administration referred to the systematic murder of individuals deemed undesirable, including Jews, Romani people, disabled individuals, and others, in concentration camps and extermination camps during the Holocaust. It was a euphemism for mass murder.

What was the conclusion of the holocaust?

This answer may not be exact but you can say it was the systematic murder of eleven-million people or the genocide of the Jews.The Nasis tried to run, but the USA Liberators came in and saved the people in the concentration camps. Some websites have pictures/videos of what the USA people found. It's really creepy!!!

What is the systematic mistreatment of people based on their social identity group called?

What is the systematic mistreatment of people based on their social identity group called "Oppression."

How has the spread of ideas changed with modern communication technologies?

because it is possible that it can be unfair to people

Is the systematic study of people's behavior in groups?


What is the target of modern agriculture?

To produce as much food for over 9 billion people as possible.

The systematic killing of a certain group of people is called .?

genocide is the term for the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial,political, or cultural group.See also the attatched link below.

What is a systematic grouping of people called?

A systematic grouping of people is called a society or a community. This refers to a group of individuals who come together and interact based on shared characteristics or interests.