Power was divided in the UN by the ruler that took place after the other one was ruled out.
This is from Google Definitions: (in ancient Rome) One of the two annually elected chief magistrates who jointly ruled the republic. It's the definition of a consul. The power was divided between the two consuls in normal times, by each man "taking the fasces" or acting as leader of the senate, in alternate months.
Power is divided between the national and state governmentsPower is divided between the national and state governments.
1928. By gaining support of 3 key warlords in China, the Nationalists under Chiang Kaishek unified China and took power.
power is divided by its people
The Permanent members of UN can exercise veto power.China is a permanent member,so it has the veto power in UN.
Un-hap-py or un-ha-ppy it's either on of those
There are four syllables divided like so: un-at-trac-tive.
Work divided by time is power.
10 to the 8th power divided by 10 to the 7th power is 10
7 to the 6th power divided by 7 to the -3rd power = 40,359,862.8
7 to the tenth power divided by 7 to the ninth power = 1
It's Fiction
Cyprus is divided by the 'green line' and UN troops are there to keep the peace between the two factions.
2 to the power of 20 divided by 4 to the power of 10 is equal to one.