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they invented roman numerals because the roman guards were playing a game outside of the great Greece castle to do with lines and letters. they didn't no what they were doing but it turned into a system and now is known all around the world.

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14y ago

The Roman numeral system was based on the Etruscan numeral system with some modifications.

Not much in history is known about the mysterious Etruscan people who once ruled the Romans centuries before the rise of the Roman Empire.

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For some information about the origins of the Roman system of numerals see related links.

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They originated from the Etruscan numeral system and the Etruscans once ruled the Romans.

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at a place at tonga

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Q: How was the roman number system developed?
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Who developed the Roman number system?

The Etruscans did and they once ruled the Romans.

How roman numerals developed?

They were developed using a Roman system that worked out for pretty much all of the Romans

Why was the roman number system developed?

For herdsmen to keep a check on how many cattle or livestock they had. Counting, particularly for organizing their armies.

Why do the Roman numerals use letters instead of Arabic numbers?

If the Roman had used the same numbers which are used in the Arabic number system then they would have been using the Arabic number system. The whole point is that they used a different system. The other half of the whole point is that the Roman empire fell before the Arabs and Hindus developed their number system. The Romans 'borrowed' their system from the Etruscans; they could not borrow what had not yet been invented.

What is the different between Mayan number system and roman number system?

The Mayan number system is vigesimal (based on twenties)The Roman number system is decimal (based on tens)

Who made up the numbering system?

Arabs developed the number system (0,1,2,3,4) we use now. The Roman system (I, II, III, IV, V) wasn't as good, because there was no zero.

What is the name of the Roman number system?

Roman Numerals

True or false ancitent egyptians developed and used a number system?

The ancient Egyptians used the decimal number system.

When was roman number system form?

The Roman numeral system was formed by the ancient Etruscans.

What number is missing from the roman number system?

They have no zero.

When were the roman numerals created?

Roman numerals were developed by the ancient Romans in the 3rd century BC. They were used as the primary number system in the Roman Empire and remained in common usage until the Middle Ages.

Which number is not written in roman number?

It is zero because it's not needed in the Roman numeral system.