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To me America represents the limitless unfolding of the human potential as free men and women go about their lives and pursue their dreams, large or small, unfettered by a tyrant's chains or even the soft restraints of those who just want to hold some back so they don't get "unfairly" ahead of others. America is the majesty of people governing themselves. America is a place where each man can seek God in his own way, secure in the knowledge that no one will judge him for it except God alone. A poster huh? It would be best if you came up with your own idea but here is mine, down the center of the poster, dividing it roughly into thirds, I would put the words, LIFE, LIBERTY, and, THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Then around each word I would put pictures of people exercising or defending each right. Near the word LIFE I would include a picture of a soldier prepared to sacrifice his life to defend those of his countrymen and whatever else you might find appropriate. With the word LIBERTY you might put pictures of people voting, speaking in public, sitting on a jury, or reading a newspaper. Associated with PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS you might put children playing in a park, someone working at their own business, moving into a new house, singing in church. There are lots of possibilities. Whenever you finish this project please email me and tell me what you finally did, I would be very interested. Michael Montagne

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Q: How would you clearly represent America on a poster?
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A yardstick or ruler!

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