Because it was the CENTER of trading in Ancient Egypt times.
There was no zero in ancient Chinese numerals. The ancient Chinese number system was not a positional system, so there was no need for a zero.
Anciant Times go back before the invention of the Microscope
with the ancient egyptians and ancient greeks
the seat a important clan or family in ancient times like meed halls an dinner rooms of king or lords
Technology has become far more important since ancient times as it has advanced. In ancient times, it was less important as there were almost no technologies available.
The Latin people were important in the times of ancient Rome because the Romans were (and still are) Latins.
very important
Because it was the CENTER of trading in Ancient Egypt times.
i do not know lol
There was no zero in ancient Chinese numerals. The ancient Chinese number system was not a positional system, so there was no need for a zero.
Probably in Arabia in ancient times. The Arabs were the first to introduce the concept of 'zero'.
Zero, anything times zero is zero.
Anciant Times go back before the invention of the Microscope
Zero Times
with the ancient egyptians and ancient greeks
No- Zero goes into zero an infinite number of times.