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Charles Babbage died 18th October 1871 he was an English mathematitian, inventor and mechanical engineer (unless you know of another one)

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Q: Is Charles Babbage dead or alive?
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Is Charles Babbage dead or a live?


Deos Charles Babbage have some ansesters that are still alive and who?

Babbage lived quite a while ago; his parents, grandparents, etc. are most likely dead.

Is Charles Babbage dead?

Yes, Charles Babbage died October 18, 1871.

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The father of computer technology name was Charles Babbage

What company does Charles Babbage own?

dead men own nothing

Who invent computer?

Charles Babbage and it was first made for military use

How do you pronounce Charles Babbage's name?

charles babbage

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Charles babbage

Charles Babbage an Indian?

Charles Babbage was English

Who helped invent the computer?

Charles babbage

The idea that employees should also share the profit of organization was given by which of?

Charles Babbage

How old is Charles Babbage?

Charles Babbage was born December 26, 1791, and died October 18, 1871, at the age of 79. If he were alive today, he would be 219 years old on December 26, 2010.