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As concerned to India 123 agreement is more important at this moment because since the pokhran nuclear test of 1974,successive us administrations undertook a concerted effort to coerce us to cap,roll back and eliminate our nuclear weapons programme.

This effort included putting together a cartel of 45 countries in the NUCLEAR SUPPLIING GROUP (NSG) to join us in denying us to access to nuclear technology for power genaration.

Despite this we have built our oun nuclear reactors.we have large resources of plutonium from power reactors.unfortunately our capabilities to develop nuclear energy are seriously constrained by the shortage of indigenious resources of uranium ore this ore is indispensable and inevitable to generate nuclear energy.this necessarly means that if we are to significantly develop nuclear power production we will ave to import consideable amount of uranium ore -an option we cannot exercise now because of NSG sanction.

So it gives advantage to both.

Answered by- shaik riyaz

Edited by-Mihir Khandekar


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Q: Is the Indo-US atomic energy agreement gives advantages to India or disadvantages to India?
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What does 123 stand for in 123 Nuclear Agreement?

Section 123 of the US atomic energy act

What were 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages to using the atomic bomb during world war 2?

Three advantages to using the atomic bomb in WW II: 1. This could be described as an early version of what was later known during the Gulf War as "shock and awe". The atomic bomb was so impressive that the Japanese finally realized that they had better surrender. 2. As compared to sending in a massive wave of American soldiers to conquer Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is much faster, easier, and cheaper to just destroy the cities, and this produces far fewer American casualties. 3. Most importantly of these three reasons, by ending the war faster, the US was able to limit the involvement of the USSR, which intended to overrun the Japanese islands as it had already overrun Eastern Europe. Even before WW II ended, the maneuverings of the Cold War had already begun. Three disadvantages to using the atomic bomb in WW II: 1. The atomic bomb is an indiscriminate killer of both military and civilian populations; it is a cruel weapon of mass destruction. 2. Aside from the initial destruction, the atomic bomb leaves a lingering blight of radiation. People continued to die in Japan as a result of radiation poisoning, and of cancer caused by radiation, for many years after WW II had ended. This is, again, much more cruel than more usual types of weapons. 3. And perhaps most seriously of all, the use of atomic bombs in WW II creates an unfortunate precedent. It would be difficult at this point for the US to claim, convincingly, that atomic weapons are too terrible to ever be used, because the US has already used them. If they can be used once, they can be used again.

What are some advantages about dropping the atomic bomb in unpopulated area?

You wind up killing fewer people when you drop your atomic bomb in an unpopulated area, as compared to a more populated area. Of course, killing people may be exactly what you want to do, in which case, it is more advantageous to drop it in a populated area.

What is the compromise of the atomic bomb?

I think part of the answer is that the United States had some countries sign an agreement to not make, use,or even test old atomic bombs.

How did atomic theory lead to the atomic bomb discovery?

the atomic bomb was not discovered, it was invented then built.

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They killed people in huge numbers and destroyed cities.

What does 123 stand for in 123 Nuclear Agreement?

Section 123 of the US atomic energy act

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Negative aspects of 123 nuclear agreement?

A Section 123 Agreement arises from the US Atomic Energy Act 1954 which requires co-operation from any country with which the US shares information. 25 such agreements exist or have existed in the past. See Wikipedia entry 'Section 123 Agreement'.

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Germany WAS ON THE VERGE OF COMPLETE DEFEAT. When her scientists were captured, they were persuaded to carry on their work in the safety of American atomic research centers.

The atomic weight scale is based upon international agreement that?

the atomic weight scale is based upon the relative atomic masses of elements compared to carbon-12, which has an assigned value of 12. This standardization allows for consistency and accuracy in comparing the masses of different elements.

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ICP-MS allows multi-element analysis. It has a longer linear working range so fewer standards for calibration is needed as they can be spaced further apart. ICP-MS also has a higher sensitivity compared to atomic emission spectrometry or atomic absorption spectrometry.

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They informally agreed to surrender on August 14, 1945. The formal signing of the surrender agreement was on September 2, 1945.