yes there is a element called "Copernicum" which is named after Nicolas Copernicus.
Nicolas Copernicus' homeland is Poland
Copernicus was a polymath who studied at Krakow Academy
With a giant worm.
No, he never got married
If you mean when he was born to his death it is february 2 1473 and died may 24 1543 he was 70 years old
Nicolas Copernicus' homeland is Poland
What are the reference sources of nicolas copernicus?
How does Nicolas Copernicus became interested in science?
Nicolaus Jack Copernicus
Copernicus was a polymath who studied at Krakow Academy
in a university
His Uncle
Nicolas Copernicus developed the model of the solar system that says that the sun is the center of the universe and that all of the other planets are orbiting it.