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HMS Repulse; and USS Alaska and USS Guam (both armed with 12" rifles).

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Q: Names of the biggest pocket battleships?
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What was the Biggest Battleship in the Korean War?

The Iowa class battleships.

What is the name of Canada's biggest battleship?

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What were the names of Japan's two Super battleships?

Mushashi and Yamato

How many battleships in the attack of Pearl Harbor were destroyed and what were the names of them?

Two Battleships were destroyed at Pearl Harbor, the USS Arizona and the USS Oklahoma.

List Ww11 battleship names?

See site: US Battleships

What were some names of battleships that were at d-day?

The old dreadnaught Texas was there. Any of the old US Navy battleships were sent to the Atlantic, the new ones had to fight in the Pacific. The old US Battleships were simply "targets" in the Pacific.

What were the names of the two out of eight battleships that didn't get repaired at Pearl Harbor?

The USS Oklahoma and the USS Arizona.

What is the biggest pocket knife?

You can read all about it in the link below.

What is German warship graf spee?

it was a 'pocket battleship', because of treaty restrictions, Germany could not build battleships, so it was the size of a cruiser but with the armament of a battleship.

What are some names of US battleships?

48 states of the United States are the names of US Navy battleships. The battleships Alaska and Hawaii do not exist nor never existed because they were NOT states until 1959; battleships were no longer built after 1945. Battlecruisers (called LARGE cruisers in the US Navy) Alaska & Guam were completed; Hawaii never was. With the exception of the USS Kearsarge, all US battlewagons were named after US states. From the USS Delaware to the USS New Jersey (the only United States battleship to fight in the Vietnam War).

Is There any Strong BattleShips?

All battleships are strong...otherwise they would not be battleships.

Why did they name the USS Oklahoma Oklahoma?

All Battleships in the US Navy were given the names of States. Cruisers were named after Cities.