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Archimedes principles state dat wen a body is partially or completely immersed in a liquid the uptrust equal to the weight of the object displaced

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An immersed object is buoyed upward by a force equal to the weight of the displaced liquid

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What does Archimedes principle state about an object when it is placed in water?

His principle states that the object is buoyed up by a force that's equal to the weight of the displaced water.

Whose principals state that the buoyant force on an objects is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object?

Archimedes principle

What does Archimedes' principle state?

It states that when a body is partially or completely immersed in a fluid, there is an upward force called upthrust acting on the body, which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.

Does Archimedes' principle state that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the density of the fluid it displaces?

Yes, Archimedes' principle states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces, not the density. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Who said eureka?

Archimedes, he is the one who said Eureka first. When he discovered the principle of density.For more information;= Eureka means "I am in a state of having found it"= "Eureka" is Greek for "I found it!"

State archimedes' principle and give an example of how you could determine a buoynt force?

Upthurst acts on a body which is partially or totally immersed in a fluid and it is equal to the weight of fluid displaced.

Who said Eureka first?

Archimedes, he is the one who said Eureka first. When he discovered the principle of density.For more information;= Eureka means "I am in a state of having found it"= "Eureka" is Greek for "I found it!"

Does Archimedes principle state that increasing the pressure on one spot of a fluid will increase the pressure everywhere else in the fluid?

No, Archimedes' principle states that an object immersed in a fluid experiences an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. Increasing pressure at one spot in a fluid does not necessarily increase pressure everywhere else in the fluid.

What was the greek city state that the scientist Archimedes was from?

The answer is Syracuse

What year was Archimedes Principal discovered?

There is nothing really stating the exact year in which Archimedes Principal was discovered. They only state that he lived between 287 BC to 212 BC.

What is the principle of dual soveriegnty?

It is the principle that both State and Federal Government can simultaneously make laws and prosecute crimes in a State.

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The principle quantum number of a hydrogen electron in its ground state is 1.