The Hindenburg was filled with the element Hydrogen, which is extremely flammable. A spark ignited the hydrogen, which caused the skin of the zeppelin to burn furiously. The hydrogen fueled the inferno.
It was a dirigible- a lighter-than-air airship with a rigid frame. It was lighter than air since it was filled with hydrogen gas. Unfortunately hydrogen is also extremely flammable.
Today's blimps are not filled with flammable hydrogen gas like Hindenburg was, but normally the non-flammable helium.
The Hindenburg was 804 feet long and could go as fast as 84 miles per hour. It was originally designed to only use helium gas but on the day of the disaster, it was filled with hydrogen which is highly flammable. it exploded in flames as it was trying to land in Lakehurst, NJ on May 6, 1937.
Although hydrogen is an explosively flammable gas, indications are that the fact that the baloon was filled with hydrogen was not really much of a factor in the Hindenburg crash. Hydrogen burns very rapidly, and because of its density, flames would travel upwards, and be very short-lived. Most of the deaths from fire have been subsequently attributed to the aluminum paint used on the balloon.
No it was not a blimp. It was a Zeppelin. A zeppelin is much bigger and is a frame work filled with a bunch of bladders when a Blimp is a single balloon filled with gas.
Yes, if a balloon is filled with gas and is overinflated beyond its capacity, it can explode due to the pressure build-up inside. This is a result of the balloon's material being unable to contain the expanded gas volume, causing it to burst.
No, the Hindenburg airship was filled with hydrogen gas, not helium. The use of hydrogen was a factor in the Hindenburg disaster, as the highly flammable gas led to the airship catching fire and crashing in 1937.
The HIndenberg was filled with highly flamable Hydrogen.Hydrogen is lighter than air so it rises.
The Hindenburg was filled with the element Hydrogen, which is extremely flammable. A spark ignited the hydrogen, which caused the skin of the zeppelin to burn furiously. The hydrogen fueled the inferno.
The balloon is filled with a gas.
I captured hydrogen through a tube in a balloon. Then, with the balloon not all the way blown up, I put some oxygen in it. When I lit the balloon with a lighted punk it exploded with more heat and force than just a balloon with hydrogen. when the two gases were in the same balloon and not exploded they were added but not combined. When they exploded they became combined. Please, do not do this unless you have an experienced lab tech helping you.
It was a dirigible- a lighter-than-air airship with a rigid frame. It was lighter than air since it was filled with hydrogen gas. Unfortunately hydrogen is also extremely flammable.
The Hindenburg airship was filled with hydrogen gas, which is highly flammable. This led to the devastating fire that caused the airship to crash in 1937.
The HIndenberg was filled with highly flamable Hydrogen.Hydrogen is lighter than air so it rises.
A balloon filled with a gas will rise or sink depending on the density of the gas inside compared to the surrounding air. If the gas inside is less dense than the surrounding air, the balloon will rise. If the gas inside is more dense, the balloon will sink.